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Permanent magnet spiral machine technology leader
Products center

The slewing bearings produced by the company are widely used in construction machinery, construction machinery, port machinery, metallurgical machinery, light industry machinery, wind power generation, medical CT, military industry and other fields

Production workshop

Founded in 2010 in Shandong Province Yi City Economic and Technological Development Zone, covering an area of 55,000 square meters Rice, with a variety of professionals and all kinds of special imported production Equipment and inspection equipment

Unique process technology, guarantee quality and quantity.
  • production ability

    Have all kinds of professionals and all kinds of special imported production equipment and inspection equipment,

    Reach the advanced level of the industry.

  • Professional service management mechanism

    The company is capable of excellent product quality, competitive prices, reliable reputation and customer satisfaction services.

  • Customized according to user needs

    According to the different needs of users, we can specially develop and design models that best meet the users.

Committed to providing you with more suitable products
Pioneer, comprehensive products

Linyi JinAn machinery company isspecializing in production of high precisionslewing bearing,founded in 2010 Year andlocated in Economic and technologicaldevelopment zone of Linyi city Shandongprovince, We adopt modern enterprise systemand boast of talents in deign ,management andproduction.


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